The Best FREE Sales Funnel Builder For Affiliate Marketing (



I know how important it is to have a “Sales Funnel” in place when you are running an online business. But that's not the only thing you must have, your funnel must be working correctly. It has to be designed correctly, it has to convert visitors into customers and the customer experience should be great! If any of this is missing then you will find yourself struggling.

That’s why I am going to share with you my favorite Sales Funnel Builder so that you can quickly create your own sales funnel without any hassle. This tool is and it's FREE!

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a sequence of steps that are designed to convert a visitor into a customer. It's one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal, and it can be used for all sorts of things, from generating leads to closing sales.

  • Attracting Visitors

A good way to start thinking about your funnel is through the eyes of your potential customers: what do they want? What do they need? Why would they choose you over someone else? That's what you need to address with each step of your funnel, leading up to them becoming actual clients or customers. Look at this funnel Example on How to make your first $1000 online. 

  • Creating Value for Customers

Once you've got their attention, it's time to create some value for them—but not just any old value! You have several options for offering something valuable without forcing people who don't want what you're selling right now out the door (or giving away so much that everyone gets annoyed). The best approach will depend on how much information they've given us already—and since we won't know this until after their first step has been completed successfully (read: no bounce rates!), we're going

Why You Need a Funnel Builder?

A sales funnel is a powerful tool that can help you to increase your sales. It is a marketing strategy that helps you to generate more leads and increase the number of visitors who convert into paying customers. A well-designed sales funnel can help you to build trust with potential customers, get them interested in your products or services, nurture those leads until they become paying customers, and ultimately boost your revenue. - an all-in-one platform is an all-in-one platform that allows you to create and run your sales funnel easily. It’s one of the best FREE sales funnels builder for affiliate marketing. You can use it to build a sales funnel in minutes, regardless of your business type or niche.

It has everything you need for creating online marketing funnels such as traffic generation tools, lead capture tools and email collection tools as well as other useful features like landing pages builder and analytics reports which help you track how well your funnel is performing.


How to Create a Sales Funnel

Let’s take a look at, the best FREE sales funnel builder for affiliate marketing.

To create a sales funnel, you’ll need to:

  1.  Create a new funnel. Go to and click on the button in the top-right corner labeled “Create”. This will open up a new pop-up where you can create your first funnel by filling out your preferences (the name of your funnel), selecting whether you want it to be private or public, and finally choosing whether it will be an autoresponder campaign or not (if not, don't worry about this last step). If this sounds confusing at all, don't worry—It is self-explanatory in the steps once you start!


The process of creating a sales funnel is very simple. In fact, it will only take you a few minutes to create one! All you need to do is sign up for an account and head over to their dashboard. Once there, click on “Build A New Funnel” button located under “Your Funnels” tab on top left corner of your screen as explained above. 

 2.    Select a template for your sales funnel. Systeme offers many different templates depending on what kind of product you sell; if you're unsure which one is right for you, feel free to experiment with different options until finding one that speaks to what type of lifestyle business owner / marketer.


From there, you will see several options that allow you create different types of funnels such as: Landing Pages & Lead Capture Pages(including popups), Autoresponder Emails & Email Campaigns, Affiliate Offers (products & upsell products), Checkout Processes (Payments & Onboarding). You can always choose other options as well such as: Content Marketing Automation(SEO Tool) or Paid Social Ads Management Tools like Facebook Ads Manager etc…


 3.    Add products onto your sales page via drag & drop functionality: Simply drag them into place according to how they relate within the context of their relationship with one another (i.,e., opt-in offer > upsells > down sells > thankyou page). You may also choose which payment processor is best suited for each type of transaction (for example PayPal vs Stripe) based on pricing tiers available through each option being offered here as well! Sales Funnel Builder is a powerful, free sales funnel builder for affiliate marketers. The platform has many useful features, including:

  • A drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create your sales funnels easily and quickly without any coding skills required!
  • Built-in email marketing capabilities that allow you to segment your leads by demographics, interests and more!
  • Integrates with all major payment gateways like PayPal & Stripe so you can accept payments on the spot when someone buys something from your landing page - no need for an additional website or merchant account anymore!

Can you see the potential of using it?

That's the power of, it gives you the ability to create a sales funnel without any coding or design knowledge. With this platform, you can create high converting landing pages, sales letters and even video sales letters (VSL).

The best way to see how powerful this tool is is by testing it yourself.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!


In conclusion, if you are looking to build a free sales funnel, you should try to see how it works for you. It is the best free software that I have found to date and has all the features that you will need in order to get started. So don’t wait any longer and start building your funnel today with!


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